David D. Liebowitz

 Assistant Professor of Educational Methodology, Policy and LeadershipUniversity of Oregon

I study the challenges facing schools with concentrations of traditionally under-served students and effective leadership strategies to address these challenges. My work has been published in leading education and economics journals and has been featured in such media outlets as The New York Times, Education Week and Chalkbeat.  

Prior to coming to Oregon, I was a middle school principal in Chelsea, Massachusetts for five years. Previously, I taught 6th through 8th grade English in Colorado for six years. I have been a policy advisor to the Massachusetts Secretary of Education and the New York Commissioner of Education. I also spent a year as a policy analyst at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris assessing the effectiveness of resource use in OECD school systems, with a particular focus on Portugal.

I spend much of my time chasing after my son and twin daughters, and our equally rambunctious black lab mix. I run, ski and hike in the backcountry of the Cascade Range when possible.