David D. Liebowitz

 Assistant Professor of Educational Methodology, Policy and LeadershipUniversity of Oregon

Other Writing

Garet, M.S., Stein, L.B., Eisner, R.C., Jones, K.T., Farmer, M.J., Mitrano, S., Gamse, B., Medina, K. Rappaport, S. & Liebowitz, D.D. (2023). School-Level Implementation of Continuous Improvement: 2023 Fall Report for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Networks for School Improvement (NSI) Initiative. American Institutes for Research, Washington, DC. www.air.org/project/evaluation-networks-school-improvement-nsi-initiative

Liebowitz, D.D. (2023). Can a better understanding of how teacher evaluation works help improve its design? Voices in Education: The Blog of Harvard Education Publishing. hep.gse.harvard.edu/blog/2023/03/06/teacher-evaluation-design/

OECD. (2019). Working and Learning Together: Rethinking Human Resource Policies for Schools. OECD Publishing: Paris. [contributing author]. https://doi.org/10.1787/24133841

Liebowitz, D.D., González, P., Hooge, E.H. & Lima, G. (2018). OECD Reviews of School Resources: Portugal 2018. OECD Publishing: Paris. https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264308411-en.

OECD. (2018). Responsive School Systems: Connecting Facilities, Sectors and Programmes for Student Success. OECD Publishing: Paris. [contributing author]. https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264306707-en.

Liebowitz, D.D. & Page, L.C. (2015). Residential choice as school choice: The impact of unitary status in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. (2015) In Mickelson, R.A., Smith, S.S. & Hawn-Nelson, A. (Eds.), Yesterday, today and tomorrow: School desegregation and resegregation in Charlotte. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.